Service activities incidental to the extraction
of petroleum and natural gas

Service activities incidental to the extraction of petroleum and natural gas ,
excluding surveying

Service activities incidental to the extraction of petroleum and natural gas encompass a wide range of essential support services that are integral to the exploration and extraction processes. These activities are crucial for ensuring the efficient and safe extraction of petroleum and natural gas. Here are some of the key service activities incidental to the extraction of petroleum and natural gas, excluding surveying:

Drilling Services

1. Drilling Fluid Services

Provision of drilling fluids, also known as drilling mud, which are essential for lubricating the drill bit, controlling pressure, and carrying rock cuttings to the surface during drilling operations.

2. Directional Drilling Services:

Companies providing directional drilling services to control the trajectory and deviation of the wellbore during drilling to reach specific subsurface targets.

3. Wellbore Cementing Services

: Cementing services for the wellbore to ensure zonal isolation, structural integrity, and protection of the casing during and after drilling operations.

Well Services

1. Well Logging Services

Logging companies offering services to record and analyze the properties of subsurface formations to evaluate potential hydrocarbon reservoirs.

2. Wireline Services

Wireline companies providing various downhole services, including logging, perforating, and sampling operations within the wellbore.

3. Well Testing Services

Companies offering well testing services to assess the productivity and characteristics of a well, including flow rate, pressure, and fluid properties

Production Services

1. Artificial Lift Services

Providers of artificial lift systems, such as electric submersible pumps (ESPs) and rod lift systems, to enhance the production of oil and gas from wells

2. Surface Equipment Services

Companies offering maintenance, repair, and optimization services for surface production equipment, including separators, pumps, and compressors.

Environmental and Safety Services

1. Environmental Remediation Services

Providers offering environmental assessment, remediation, and compliance services to address environmental impacts associated with petroleum and natural gas extraction.

2. Safety Consulting and Training

Companies offering safety consulting, training, and certification services to ensure compliance with industry safety standards and regulations.

Logistics and Support Services

1. Supply Chain and Logistics Services

Providers offering supply chain management, transportation, and logistics services to support the movement of equipment, materials, and personnel to and from extraction sites.

2. Camp and Facility Management

Companies providing accommodation, catering, and facility management services for personnel working at remote extraction sites.

Technology and Engineering Services

1. Reservoir Engineering Services

Consultants and engineering firms offering reservoir modeling, simulation, and management services to optimize reservoir performance and recovery

2. Automation and Control Systems

Providers of automation, control, and instrumentation services to optimize the operation and monitoring of extraction processes.

These service activities are crucial for supporting the exploration, drilling, production, environmental management, and safety aspects of petroleum and natural gas extraction. They contribute to the efficient and sustainable extraction of hydrocarbons while adhering to industry standards and regulatory requirements.